Wednesday, February 25, 2009

February 25,2009: Greek playgroup

We went to the Greek-speaking playgroup again today, which was nice, but there isn't really a lot of Greek spoken there! The leader is English, married to a Cypriot, and she was taking care of a little boy who speaks Kurdish, but no Greek. Another mother is English-Cypriot and also goes to the playgroup on Tuesday (in English), so she of course also speaks English. One other English-Cypriot mother was there, but she's very, very quiet--and in any case, also speaks English. And one other mother is from the U.S. Then today there was a new mother there, and I was quite hopeful, especially when I discovered that she didn't speak English...but then I discovered that she didn't speak Greek, either, but Turkish. And an older lady who helps out is Armenian. That was the whole group today. Lots of very nice, friendly chatting, but virtually all in English.

I did take our Greek-English picture dictionary with me today, though, and got help in pronouncing most of the words starting with alpha, I'll maybe even remember a few of them. And I learned how to say "Helen is happy," which is a somewhat useful phrase, since she is happy most of the time. :-) (We had a few bad teething nights in a row this weekend, though...last night was the first good one in awhile, and sleep is SO nice!)

The best part is the singing. A Cypriot lady comes in to sing with the children, and she speaks Greek with them, too, in between and about the songs. It was encouraging to recognize several more words this week than last, and to be able to sing along on a few of the easier, repeating lines.

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