Last November Marie and I participated in NaNoWriMo, both of us meeting the challenge of writing 50,000 words in the course of the month. In April, Marie participated in Camp NaNo, same idea, except that one sets one's own goals. She tried to talk me into participating, and I finally agreed to blog every day for the month of April (but didn't sign up at the NaNo website). I managed the first two days, then on the fourth, and then on the sixth. So much for that. Not promising anything for this month, just rambling for the moment. It's not that there's a lack of topics, just a lack of time.
A few of the things I thought about blogging about: the births of my nieces (one in March to my sister and her husband, one just last week to my brother and his wife); trips to the park with friends (several times, both with a fellow homeschooling family and with a little girl I babysat twice); Elisabeth completely potty-training herself day and night AND moving to the girls' room and being thrilled with it AND night-weaning; my search for and exploration of Cyprus's largest salt lake, in Limassol; cutting Marie's hair; the play Marie and Jacob were in; our first trip to the beach for this year; cleaning the fans; a bunch of stuff from March (our time in Costa Rica, my birthday, traveling, etc.); how to spend the first birthday money I've had in years (haven't spent it yet); love/hate relationship with technology; accidentally deleting a blogpost from last May and having Sue find it in cyberspace for me (that was very cool that she found it, but also worries me a bit because there are some things I've deleted because I didn't want anyone to see them after all, and I do NOT like the idea that they're still "out there" somewhere!!!); more walks in the Salt Lake park; being given lots of strawberries; buying 20 kilos of oranges; etc...most of which is probably not all that exciting for anyone except me anyway, but this is our life.
And of course, our kitten, Makenzy, acquired one month ago today. End of ramble, here are a bunch of photos of furry adorableness.
We had two rabbits in Germany for a couple of years, but Jörn was always quick to point out that they lived OUTside, and were MY rabbits, not his. (I did catch him feeding carrots to them a few times, though...) So Jörn has never had a pet in his whole life and wasn't keen on the idea of getting one. However, he and Makenzy have quite taken to each other. Makenzy especially likes his beard. :-)
Makenzy is also crazy about feet and shoes. One evening she went from foot to foot during dinner, finally found a foot that was holding still, climbed up on it, and went to sleep. (This is Jörn yet again.)
Helen often sings Makenzy to sleep...
Jacob's sandal, this time...
Sound asleep on my lap...
Another photo for my extremely large collection of photos of Jörn sleeping with a baby sleeping on top of him...
Makenzy only had formula for about two weeks and transitioned to eating dry kitten food very easily. She did think for the first few days that she had to get INTO the bowl to eat, but since acts like a cat, standing on the floor and eating out of the bowl.
Makenzy loves the dollhouse Katie and I built last year...
And finally, a photo Marie took last night of Makenzy falling asleep...
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